Groups are short-term weekly gatherings aimed at helping you grow in faith and community.
When you sign up for a group, you will be placed with a group of amazing people who want to learn about the same topic as you! Each group has a specific topic, demographic, or activity, and is designed to give you rich content for two months.
At the end of each quarter, there will be a one month break, before a new round of groups begins. This allows you to enjoy different content each quarter, depending on what interests you!
Topics Include:
Marriage and Family
Finance Management
Bible Studies
Book Devotionals
Evangelism Training
And Many More!
Registration is now closed for our Winter Groups, that begin in January and continue through February.
Registration will open in March for our next set of groups, that begin in April and continue through May.
You will be able to sign up for any group online by clicking here, or by signing up in-house at our information table, or on our connect card. If you sign up in-house, you will also be able to grab a syllabus for a detailed curriculum.